North Africa Biledulgerid Barbary Coast Animals Dragon 1719 decorative map
Brian DiMambro

Biledulglrit en General - Patrie Occidentale du Biledulgerid - Patrie Orientale du Biledulgerit.
(Old Maps, 18th Century Maps, Mallet Maps, Africa, North Africa, Barbary Coast, Morocco, Algeria)
Issued 1719, Frankfurt by Mallet.
Charming little early 18th century engraved map with very attractive hand color.
Decorative folk-art visual appeal, figures stand on either side of a title banner at bottom right, various wild animals seen within the interior, including elephant, monkey, lion, monkey and a flying dragon (!).
Paper and image remains clean and well preserved with a fine patina and visual appeal.
Sheet measures c. 8"H x 6 1/4"W.
Printed area measures c. 5 5/8"H x 3 7/8"W.
Tooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers, vol. 3, p. 196.