Burdock Blood Bitters 1886 rare pocket Memorandum Buffalo NY Foster Milburn
Brian DiMambro- Antiquarian Books, Maps & Prints

Pocket Memorandum Book. (pictorial cover- great view of company plant building with numerous horse drawn carriages.
Published by Foster Milburn, Buffalo, NY. c. 1886. Lithographed by GH Dunston, Buffalo, NY.
Cardstock covers, tri-folded.32 pp. booklet saddle stitched (stapled) within as issued.
Many pages blank for note taking, some filled in long ago by early owner (mostly pencil). Many blurbs and quack remedies. If not for the FDA and modern science we'd likely still have medicines like these (despite the otherwise convincing testimonials and tweets found within).
Mostly light handling and signs of time, pictures show the item well.
Closed measures c. 6" H x 3 3/4" W.
Must be scarce, early rubber stamp on one side (now effaced). Survives by random chance, perfect example of why ephemera is fun stuff.