Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book
Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book Mercure de France French 1780 American Revolution political events of era book
$ 275.00

(Old Books, 18th Century Books, Periodicals, Mercury, French Books, Ancien Regime).

Mercure de France, by Samedi & Juillet.
Published 1780, Paris by Packoucke.
240 pages. Text in French.

Political journal with important international news of the day. We note many countries and locations named, including St. Petersburg Russia, Constantinople, London, Paris, Versailles.

We also note a lengthy article regarding the capitulation of Americans at Charlestown South Carolina. by Gen. Lincoln to the British General Clinton. Likely more relating to the American Revolution would be found with a more detailed reading of the extensive text.

Period full mottled calf binding, smooth spine, gilt compartment decorations, marbled edges. Front joint cracked, leather well dried, spine rubbed with some gilt loss, title label missing. Text block remains clean, tight, and sound. Interior contents clean, largely free of age spotting. 

Bound collection of sequential periodicals, interestingly bound with their original paper wrappers printed on blue paper. Please see photos. 

Book remains well preserved and attractive on the shelf. It displays a pleasing and unique age patina and is in nice antiquarian condition, the age flaws easy to overlook or forgive. 

Please review photos for more detail and our best attempt to convey how this antique item survives.

Book Measures c. 7 3/4" H x 3 7/8" W.
