Ethnography Peoples of the World Isotherms 1873 Stemler large map
Brian DiMambro- Antiquarian Books, Maps & Prints

Wereldkaart me de Zeestroomingen an de Lijmen van gelyke gemiddelde jaarwarmte, en de Menschrassen.
(Old Maps, 19th Century Maps, World Maps, Ocean Currents, Isotherms, World Peoples, Ethnographic Maps).
Issued 1873, Amsterdam by C.F. Stemler.
Uncommon 19th century color lithographed Dutch map.
Well preserved, nice looking example with pleasing age patina.
Original fold lines as issued.
Sheet Measures c. 12 1/2" H x 18 1/2" W.
Engraved Area Measures c. 11" H x 17" W.
Cartographic Reference(s):
Tooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers, vol. 4.