Colonel Ellsworth Murder Florida Virginia 1861 Harper's Civil War full newspaper
Brian DiMambro

Harper's Weekly: A Journal of Civilization.
(Old Periodicals, 19th Century Newspapers, Americana, Harper's Weekly, Civil War, Illustrated Newspapers).
Issued June 15th, 1861, New York, by Harper & Brothers.
An actual piece of American history issued during the Civil War. Filled with commentary and wood engraved images relating to that war and issued contemporary to the events.
Original mid-19th century weekly newspaper. An actual, complete newspaper published at the date listed, not a modern re-issue.
During this period, this journal was a major, influential national publication which employed many of the top artists of the era.
Paper uniformly age toned as typical, some pages loose. Issue was once bound up in a volume and is now free-standing and complete unto itself as originally issued.
Nice looking, clean, well preserved example, pages loosened, any age flaws easy to overlook or forgive. Text on reverse of each page as always, images and maps from Harper's like this are often offered separately for display.
Newspaper measures c. 16" H x 11" W.
Periodical will be shipped gently rolled in a sturdy 3" wide tube to ensure it arrives safely to you! Multiple issues purchased at the same time will be shipped flat.
Most of the front page is a three-part print captioned: "Secessionist Prisoner Captured at Alexandria--The Marshall House at Alexandria" with some ftpg. text headed: "The Murder of Ellsworth".
Three-quarters of a page shows: "Company of Secession Cavalry Surrendering to Colonel Wilcox of the First Michigan Regiment, in Front of the Slave Pen at Alexandria, Virginia". Other prints include: "General Bragg's Camp as Seen from Fort Pickens" and "Interior of a Sand Bag Battery at Pensacola Bearing on Fort Pickens". Two full page prints show: "One of the Mortar Batteries Just Erected on Santa Rosa Island to Support Fort Pickens...---Col. Morehead's Camp Near Patterson's Park, Baltimore" and: "Bivouac of Confederate Troops on the Las Moras, Texas, with Stolen U.S. Wagons".
The double page centerfold has 3 prints: "The City of Cairo, Illinois as Seen from the Camp" and "U.S. Volunteers Throwing up Entrenchments on Arlington Heights" and "Brilliant Charge of U.S. Cavalry Through the Village of Fairfax Court House". Another full page has 3 scenes: "Captain Saler's Encampment, West of St. Louis, Missouri" & "Camp Scott - Freeport, Illinois" and "Fort Wayne - Detroit Michigan" with other prints showing: "Advance of the Federal Troops (Michigan Regiment & Sherman's Battery) Into Alexandria" and "Camp Anderson, Hqts. of the New York Twelfth Regiment, Washington, D.C." and "Rebel Steamboats Overhauled by U.S. Men-of-War in the Gulf" and "U.S. Pickets Chasing & Shooting Rebel Prowlers Near Alexandria" and a print of Stephen Douglass, a small print showing: "Grafton, Virginia, Now Occupied by General McClellan's Forces" and of: "The Whitworth Gun Presented to the U.S. Government by Loyal Americans in England" plus a small print showing; "Newport News, Near fortress Monroe, Now Occupied by General Butler".
The back page has several cartoons, and within this issue is a serialized portion of "Great Expectations", by Charles Dickens.