Portsmouth New Hampshire Kittery Maine Naval Shipyard 1890 nice large city map
Brian DiMambro

Map of the City of Portsmouth.
(Old Maps, 19th Century Maps, United States, New England, New Hampshire, Portsmouth, Maine, Kittery, Naval Yard).
Issued Boston, 1890 by W.A. Greenough & Co. Lithographed by Geo. Walker, Boston.
Beautiful and very scarce late 19th century antique city plan. Lithographed map with original hand color.
Of note for being printed on thin, near tissue bond paper of a type most often seen used for 19th century folding pocket maps. Emphasis is placed upon the layout and buildings found on the U.S. Navy yard in what is clearly shown to be Kittery Maine.
Map remains mostly clean and displays well. Some old wrinkling to paper from slight misfolding over the past c. 130 years, two short tears at left edge now cleanly closed and easy to forgive or overlook (no loss of any printed area), left margin with couple tiny chips, etc. Still a pleasing example of a map not often encountered with original hand color.
Original fold lines as issued.
Sheet measures c. 17" x 21 1/2"
Engraved area measures c. 15" x 19"
Tooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers, vol. 4, p.