San Lorenzo Island Madagascar Africa w/ Sea Monsters 1576 Porcacchi charming map
Brian DiMambro

Descrittione del l'Isola di S. Lorenzo.
(Old Maps, 16th Century Mapsm Africa, Madagascar, San Lorenzo Island, Sea Monsters).
Issued 1576, Venice, by Tomasso Porcacchi for his "L'Isole piu famose del Mondo". Map engraved by G. Porro.
Charming 16th century engraved map. Strapwork title cartouche, compass rose, two large sea monsters and stipple oceans with interior detail impart a visual quality unique to this era. A very early separate depiction of this island.
Nice looking example, pleasing age patina, any minor age flaws easy to overlook or forgive. Text as always below map and on reverse of sheet.
Sheet measures c. 11 1/2" H x 7 1/2" W.
Engraved area measures c. 4" H x 5 1/2" W.
Cartographic Reference(s):
Tooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers, vol. 3, p. 452